Stay home, stay safe. Enjoy premium health screening services in the safety and convenience of your home, via the WhiteCoat app.

Prevention is better than cure
Regular health screenings allow for early detection of possible diseases and its preliminary indicators. This allows you to gain access to early treatment and possible preventive measures before developing serious complications.
Beat the crowd and stay safe
Maintain your health from the safety of your home with Home Based Health Screening, while reducing interactions with other individuals and the risk of infection.
How to book your Home Based Health Screening package
View our list of available packages

Head to the booking platform.
Click here to access the booking platform, and fill in the fields accordingly to indicate your preferred package, location, date and time for your Home Based Health Screening booking.
If you are covered under AIA corporate insurance, ensure that you input your AIA membership details to enjoy member rates.

Involve your loved ones.
You will also have the option of booking add-on packages for your loved ones at member rates.
Upon payment completion, you will receive a confirmation email with your booking details.

Enjoy your health screening at home.
A health screening personnel (1 pax) will arrive at your home at your selected date and time to conduct the screening.

Review your results with a GP.
When ready, your results will be available for viewing in the WhiteCoat app.
Enjoy a complimentary teleconsult review with a WhiteCoat GP to understand your health screening results.
*All prices stated are exclusive of GST. If you are covered by AIA corporate insurance, please select your AIA corporate profile in the WhiteCoat app when teleconsulting a GP to enjoy AIA preferred rates.